Youth Sports Snarl

Youth Sports Snarl

What is it about youth sports that turns normal, caring parents into snarling, blood-thirsty beasts? I don’t do well with drama – it totally drains me. That said, I also don’t do well with keeping my mouth shut when something needs to be addressed (positive or...
A Divine Temper Tantrum

A Divine Temper Tantrum

How my mommy temper tantrum maybe saved my husband’s life.  Marriage. It’s so much fun. All. The. Time. Right? Not in my house. We have our ups and downs, and we work through most of them like adults (sorry, you won’t find many stories about those because they aren’t...
Fake it ’til you make it? F that.

Fake it ’til you make it? F that.

I woke up at 3 a.m. Tuesday morning, panic-stricken that I am just like the American Idol contestant who is told their whole life by family and friends that they have an amazing voice…only to audition and learn they aren’t even average. My Tuesday morning panic was in...