books, life, etc.
Writer. Reader. Pretend photographer. Mom. Wife. Working on embracing the mantra to “relax and embrace the crazy” – with posts celebrating authors, books, love, laughter and all of life’s etc. Much Love, H.
How to get a picture worth a thousand words
This is my favorite family picture of all time. And it will remain my favorite because of the story behind it. The photo was taken in summer 2012 by Lindsey Brown Photography at Side Cut Park in Toledo, Ohio…in July. Those of you not familiar with Ohio summers, let me...
Fake it ’til you make it? F that.
I woke up at 3 a.m. Tuesday morning, panic-stricken that I am just like the American Idol contestant who is told their whole life by family and friends that they have an amazing voice…only to audition and learn they aren’t even average. My Tuesday morning panic was in...
The “Do’s and Don’ts” of Mother’s Day Gift Giving
I’m breaking down the walls of “Oh, sweetie, it’s just another day!” and laying out the honest-to-goodness “Do’s and Don’ts” of Mother’s Day Gift Giving. You can thank me later. 😉 DO NOT Give me quality time with the kids. I know they’re the reason I’m being...
Summer Cold, I Curse You!
It’s a beautiful 76 degrees outside (hack, hack, hack), and I’m inside trying natural remedy number 1,586 (that’s an estimate) to get rid of my summer cold. I think in all of seasonal sickness – nothing is as nasty as a summer cold. Pause for extreme coughing fit....
Father’s Day Fun (FREE PRINTABLE)
As moms, we work so hard to make Father’s Day fun for the hubs. And if we’re being honest, more than one of us is a little resentful at the, ahem…difference in effort put forth for Mother’s Day. I found a way around it. I still look like a super star, but with way...
Roadtrippin’ fun…No, really.
Last summer my father excitedly shared that he’d booked a cabin for a family reunion in Gaitlinburg, TN. I gulped. Then I mapquested the trip. And then, I cried. TWENTY-FIVE HOURS. That’s how long it would take my little family to drive from Flagstaff to Gaitlinburg....