My Story
Until Now
Hello, I’m Heather
My journey began as a sophomore in college when I declared my major in public relations for one reason – I would get to write every day.
I love to write. It energizes me. It grounds me. It makes me a happier person.
And I’ve discovered subject doesn’t matter, which is why I write creatively for fun, blog for my mental health and create professional content as part of the PR/marketing industry.
This is who I’m meant to be – and I blog about my journey (and struggles along the way) in hopes that it helps you to also exhale, relax and find the courage to push through your fears to realize your dreams.
Professionally Speaking…
Heather Gearhart is known for her abilities as a writer, and her flair for balancing grassroots and internal communications with external efforts. She’s also known for being ridiculously particular about document formatting and AP Style.
Her more than 20 years of public relations experience includes everything from community outreach and member (industry) relations to crisis communications and social media. Working in both the agency and corporate settings, her creativity and professionalism has helped a myriad of organizations, including OneAZ Credit Union, United Dairymen of Arizona, Shamrock Foodservice Warehouse, Shamrock Foods, Shamrock Farms, Krispy Kreme, Susan G. Komen Arizona, Grand Canyon Railway, DMB/Verrado, Universal Technical Institute and PinnacleOne, among others.
In the past, Heather balanced public relations work with a teaching role at Northern Arizona University’s School of Communication where she taught a multitude of classes, including Introduction to Public Relations, PR Writing and the Public Relations Capstone/Campaigns course.
She’s also a published author, past contributor to Flagstaff Moms Blog, in addition to writing articles for magazines and newspapers, and co-authoring Chapter 22, Case Studies for Organizational Communication (2010).
Born and raised in Arizona, Heather earned her bachelor’s degree in public relations from Northern Arizona University. She now resides in Chandler, AZ and is learning to love the desert landscape again after spending nearly 15 years enjoying fall leaves and mountain air of Flagstaff. She enjoys her days alongside a fabulous husband, adorable son and daughter, and goofball goldendoodles “Gus” and “Pearl.”
Inspired By...
God & The Good Book
Yes. I have always had religion, but in more recent years – I’ve developed spirituality. There’s a difference, and it has to do with your personal relationship with God, a higher power, whatever name you prefer. Just like developing a close friendship, the more time you spend with God, the stronger your relationship. I develop my relationship through time set aside each day (sunrise), devotionals and reading the bible in the You Version Bible App.
Brené Brown
A friend suggested I read Daring Greatly and ever since then, I can’t get enough of Brené Brown’s work! She is a big, powerful voice in helping me live an authentic life. Her concepts are featured A LOT on this blog because her work on vulnerability has helped me to put myself out there. You can learn more about her, and peruse downloads and more at her website
Dr. Eric Thomas
My husband discovered him first! He’s known as the “Hip Hop Preacher” and he does it all. The areas I’ve been most affected by are his approach to spirituality, success in life and building lasting relationships with your spouse. Learn more about him and all he has to offer at
Ann Claw
Bottom line…the sources of inspiration listed above would have been discovered without Ann Claw. She’s the counselor I began seeing a few years ago and she’s changed my life. Based in Flagstaff, Arizona, she does virtual sessions anywhere in the country.